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50 Speedy Recovery Prayer Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Someone You Love

Here are speedy recovery prayer messages, good health wishes messages, wishing someone a speedy recovery from covid and get well soon text messages.

 Best Speedy Recovery Prayer Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Someone You Love

Wishing someone you love a quick recovery shouldn't be what should escape from your mind. When you wish someone a speedy recovery from any form of ailment, you are making the person feel that such has someone who cares.

These emotional and prayerful messages and quotes for someone to get well soon are speedy recovery prayer messages for the one you love.

Wishing someone a speedy recovery from the pandemic would also encourage such a person who is passing through this moment of ailment to appreciate those around him or her that they truly care about the situation the person is going through.

Best Speedy Recovery Prayer Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Someone You Love

May God bless him or her with speedy recovery is one of the best messages that would always encourage someone who is sick to get well soon. You can send these messages as good health wishes and get well soon text messages for any of your loved ones who are recovering from sickness. Birthday Messages for Wife and Mother

[1]. The mercies of God endure forever, by His stripes you are healed.

[2]. You are in my prayers and you shall get through this. I pray for good health. May God whom you acknowledge come through for you.

[3]. Our heavenly father, the great physician must surely answer your prayers, you will not die, you shall live to testify about God's goodness in your life. It's well.

[4]. May God have mercy on you and perfect His healing upon you!

[5]. The joy of the Lord is your strength! May the good Lord heal you and make you as good as new. Please hang in there.

[6]. May the Almighty God grant you healing and restore back your health.

[7]. May God Almighty have mercy and grant you perfect healing in Jesus' name.

[8]. May God Almighty forgive you all your sins and show mercy unto you. He said He would be merciful unto whom He wishes, I pray He grants your request and shows you mercy by giving you the grace to live healthily. May the balm of Gilead lay His healing hand upon you.

[9]. May the Almighty hand of God envelope you and grant you supernatural healing in Jesus' name. Amen. Get well soon.

[10]. The mighty healing hand of God will touch and rest upon you, giving you quick and permanent wholeness.

[11]. You are really a great-hearted person and the Lord is with you. Our prayer is with you and get well soon. Lots of love.

[12]. It's amazing how you face challenges every day. You are an amazing person. May God grant you a quick recovery and renew your strength. 

[13]. Prayers for a full recovery and for your health restored back to normal. You have great determination, and prayers sent your way.

[14]. Sending prayers and love for your full and speedy recovery. I pray for comfort and peace for you.

[15]. May God grant you a quick recovery. Praying for your divine healing. The Lord perfect your healing and put the devil to shame.

[16]. Heaven will restore you back to your strength just have faith and it will be done, God is with you.

[17]. God Almighty is at work and you are free in Jesus' name. God shows mercy and heals you in Jesus' name.

[18]. May you be healed wholly in Jesus' name. May the Almighty heal you and restore all that you have lost.

[19]. May the healing hands of God touch you and may you be made whole in Jesus' mighty name.

[20]. May the sun of righteousness rise upon you now with healing in its wings in Jesus' name.

[21]. May God heal you and give you a reason to live again. The mercy of God is released upon you in Jesus' name.

[22]. Hang in there my friend, God will restore your health in Jesus' name. This will be a testimony. Have total faith in God.

[23]. Received your divine healing now in Jesus' mighty name. May God have mercy and heal you.

[24]. The blood of Jesus is all over you. You will not die but live to declare the word of God with your mouth. May God make you whole!

[25]. I wish you a quick recovery. God is in control. God will not allow anything to happen to you.

[26]. May your health be restored fully in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord is your strength. You will come out bouncing in the Lord.

[27]. The surgeon of all surgeons will perfect your healing. The quickest recovery is all I wished for you.

[28]. Be healed in Jesus' name. The God of all flesh shall take control. It is well with you. Get well soon.

[29]. Be healed in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! For God's mercies and healing upon you, I pray.

[30]. May God give you sound health. May God Almighty heal you permanently. God is your strength and He will surely pull you through.

[31]. May God heal you perfectly. May the Spirit of the living God fall afresh on you. Speedy recovery in Jesus' name. God will see you through.

[32]. You are indeed healed. I asked God to show you mercy by healing you. You will be on your feet again. May God restore your health in Jesus' name.

[33]. Wishing you a divine healing, may God heal you in Jesus' name. Death is cancelled. There shall be no loss in Jesus' Name. Be healed!

[34]. May the Almighty God heal you by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wish you a quick recovery.

[35]. May the Almighty God heal you and restore you to good health in Jesus' name. You shall overcome, and be healed!

[36]. Our Lord shall grant you a speedy recovery. May the Good Lord meet you at this point, you'll be healed in Jesus' name.

[37]. With God all things are possible. He is a merciful God. You are healed in Jesus' name. 

[38]. Praying for your quick recovery. You are healed, you will come out stronger in the name of Almighty God.

[39]. It is well, God is alive, I am hopeful you will be fine. Divine and quick recovery.

[40]. Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. Divine healing upon you in Jesus' name. The quickest recovery is my prayers for you.

[41]. God's mercy will locate you in Jesus' mighty name. I wish you a fast recovery and God's mercy and guidance.

[42]. You will come out stronger God willing. May our Good Lord protect and heal you. The Lord will grant you perfect healing.

[43]. The good Lord will keep you and hold you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper in Jesus' name. You are healed.

[44]. God will do this in His own timing, what you're going through is just a test of your faith in Him. You are healed!

[45]. Praying for your complete healing and recovery in Jesus' name. Keep holding on and believing. You have a testimony. Praying for your healing.

[46]. Praying that the hands of Jesus rest upon you. I know God to be a healer, we walk by faith, not by sight.

[47]. You’re going to be good. God got you. It’s a hard journey but it is worth it. 

[48]. Keep your head up, and you are healed Psalms 121:1-2, I will lift up mine eyes to the hills whence cometh my help comes from the Lord.

[49]. In the name of Jesus Christ, every single pain and illness will go and never get back again. 

[50]. Prayers for you that the Lord's hands will restore you to better health.


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Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!: 50 Speedy Recovery Prayer Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Someone You Love
50 Speedy Recovery Prayer Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Someone You Love
Here are speedy recovery prayer messages, good health wishes messages, wishing someone a speedy recovery from covid and get well soon text messages.
Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!
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