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50 Leadership and Management Quotes for Business Leaders

Consider these leadership and management quotes to be leadership versus management quotes for business leaders that organizations need to survive.

Best Leadership and Management Quotes for Business Leaders

Taking a look at leadership and management, one may begin to wonder if actually they are the same. I know there is a long-standing debate between leadership and management in the academia and related business world about their differences.

For me, leadership and management have to do with the same people offering both lines of engagement. To be a good leader, you should be a good manager. You need both leadership and management techniques to succeed in both roles.

These quotes about leadership and management or leadership versus management are here to draw the lines between leadership and management in providing the basic meaning while both are different.

Best Leadership and Management Quotes for Business Leaders

The inspiring quotes about the differences between Management and leadership are quotes about leadership and teamwork, short leadership quotes, inspirational management quotes and leadership versus management quotes. Inspirational Birthday Wishes for the Man of God

[1]. Effective leadership happens through close management of human and material resources. The manager must be dedicated and passionate.

[2]. From what I believe and from what I have witnessed, the best leaders are servant leaders that don't make others feel beneath them.

[3]. It is that innate nature of a human being that is challenging to manage. No manager or leader can control it. It is deceptive. Processes and systems are man-made and are easy to know when they are failing and can be fixed but the mystery will always be with people.

[4]. Leadership or leading is just another function of management apart from planning and controlling.

[5]. I believe that human beings can as well be managed. That's why we have human resource management.

[6]. Good leading or leadership is when you have these 4 in place, planning, controlling, organizing and delegating.

[7]. I also believe that although leaders may not be managers, they are the foremost creators of management precedents.

[8]. Leaders guide the group in the correct direction while managers are making sure the business is running smoothly and efficiently.

[9]. A large problem is when managers are promoted to leadership positions, they default back to managing and don't lead.

[10]. Leadership is doing the right things. Management is doing things right.

[11]. People can as well be classified as resources, a manager is at his best when he is able to manage people as resources knowing who best fits the job irrespective of the position. In order words, we can have a manager who may also be seen as a good leader.

[12]. Effective leaders are those that you don't mind taking orders from and you do with a good attitude, in other words, those that don't abuse their power.

[13]. Leaders create visions and make sure their employees believe in them to improve their institution. Managers follow guidelines or codes and make sure they are executed. Too often, managers take a position that should have been for leaders. That will result in stagnation or downward growth of institutions.

[14]. A leader isn't a position, it’s an action.

[15]. Someone should not only know how to lead but at the same be aware of how to manage people on his/her team members. Effective leaders talk "with" the members not "at" the members.

[16]. Managers work according to their job description but leaders work beyond their job description.

[17]. Civilians have a lot to learn about leadership from the military.

[18]. You always lead from the front.

[19]. If you need a book to learn how to be a leader, then most likely, you are not qualified. Quality leadership builds from the ground up. They respect the skilled employees and join them and listen to the experts actually doing the job. Participate always. Be a part of the machine instead of sitting in a chair trying to solve problems by spending money. 

[20]. Managers create an environment, and leaders have followers. It's best when one person has both qualities but it's rare. A lot of negative people have followers. 

"We refer to leaders as leaders because if we referred to them as managers they did expect to get paid a manager's wage."

[21]. The problem with some leaders is they pass their tasks to other people to unburden them of their responsibility and enjoy their high salaries.

[22]. Every Leader is a good manager but every manager is a good leader may be not.

[23]. You are a leader, never second-guess yourself.

[24]. Servant leadership with transformational leadership I believe is a good combination.

[25]. Leaders, who have the ability to lead the generation, have the highest peak of ideas, concepts, arguments and decision-making power including planning, organizing, controlling, evaluating and monitoring capabilities.

[26]. Leadership is making the right things. Management is making things right.

[27]. In a leadership role, a leader is a person who always leads from the front.

[28]. From the lower ranks, I view the difference as respect or deference. I defer to a manager's authority, a good leader earns my respect. Respect is indeed earned. It is never granted or provided with the benefit of the doubt. To me, it is earned through consistent ethical behaviour and showing the value of those led, their efforts, and their time.

[29]. So experts in HRM tend to forget that leaders lead and managers manage by the consent of those they are leading or managing.

[30]. Managers get things done through the effort of others while leaders get things done the way they want them to be done. Not all managers are good leaders, they are harsh in nature. The same is true with the leaders though they're not mean to people.

"Leadership and management are two completely different concepts separated by a very thin hair line."

[31]. Leaders are born not created and many learn how to lead by first being led in the fundamental of how to humble yourself to those you work around with.

[32]. I think that many people get that intuitively without ever thinking about this distinction - at the core, this is all about "what mental model do you have in mind when you call something management". It is all just about definition. And many fights are all about "having different mental models" without noticing it. But I think that emphasizing the differences between dealing with people and dealing with things by using different words is highly valuable as our language shapes our thinking a lot. 

[33]. Leadership is taking care of those who are in your charge and they will take care of your business. 

[34]. As a leader in my manufacturing company, they teach these to the future leaders of the company. 21 Laws of Leadership is a great example of this. One of my favourites is to lead by example. As a leader, you might help guide the team to be successful or hit goals but you should know that in doing so, you need to pull your sleeves up and help and supply the tools to make a great team successful.

[35]. It might sound controversial but we can apply it to both Human resource management and industrial psychology as well. You can lead a team based on the team building process, forming, storming, norming and performing and you can manage individuals based on the matrix, that is to say, you can have individuals from different social, cultural technical/skill and you can manage their behaviour, approach and attitude till they norm/settle to the team then you can lead them. Basically, when you manage an individual you are monitoring and controlling them to avoid mistakes and correct them from it. While in a sense of leadership, you are leading a team that is with the same purpose, common goal and a sense of responsibility.

[36]. A leader focuses on people while a manager focuses on resources and efforts.

[37]. The two concepts are inextricably intertwined, they are Siamese twins, and there is no way you can separate the two. A good manager should double as a good leader and a good leader must be a good manager. Managers also manage both human and material resources and that is why we use personnel management, human resources management, and manpower development as concepts or areas of study. Leadership also dwells on all these areas of study or concepts. In other words, the two are similar and interwoven as management concepts and many a time they can be used interchangeably. In light of this a good manager can be a leader and a leader can also be a good manager. The two of them manage the 3 Ms - that is man, money and materials.

[38]. Management is about persuading people to do things they don't want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.

[39]. Leaders lead by example, and managers delegate.

[40]. Leaders don't lose focus on their followers whilst travelling to the clouds where the eggs are. Leaders also train leaders to be leaders in the future.

[41]. You just need some meditation so you can lead the people but to manage things you need to study hard and have certifications of management. In the end, leaders and managers are human, so it depends on how you treat and deal with your people.

[42]. In the context of the debate, the difference would be understood that a manager has authority to direct by simple command as a result of said authority. A leader would possess more people skills and a pleasing personality that would lead subordinates to want to do the jobs versus having to do it because of a simple command. Therefore leadership/management is gaged by the possession of proper skills of a person in authority.

[43]. What does a leader do, if the people he is leading are lazy, not responsible and not committed; meaning they fail to perform and therefore stifle progress in the workplace? Do you then start to manage them?

[44]. Remember that managers want you to do what they do and go where they want to go. Leaders want to take you to where you want to go and what you need to do.

[45]. Those not in leadership must manage their talents, gifts and resources to follow the leadership or leave.

[46]. A Leader builds a fire in people, and a manager builds a fire under people.

[47]. Effective leadership is modelling. Leaders are those who carry everyone along.

[48]. A servant leader is one of the best types of leaders. You do not need permission to assume leadership.

[49]. Leaders get paid less than managers. The world is looking for more leaders than managers.

[50]. A leader is defined by those that follow. If everyone is a leader, where are the followers? Or we now talk about a daisy chain where everyone is both leader and follower because without the latter you cannot have the former.


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Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!: 50 Leadership and Management Quotes for Business Leaders
50 Leadership and Management Quotes for Business Leaders
Consider these leadership and management quotes to be leadership versus management quotes for business leaders that organizations need to survive.
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