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Awesome 20 Positive Thoughts about Life and Quotes on Mindset Transformation

Here are the best positive thoughts about life and quotes on mindset transformation and attitude which are change your words, change your mindset.

Best Positive Thoughts about life and Quotes on mindset transformation

Today 17th of October 2021, I watched him make a presentation on the transformation of the mind during the Youth Sunday in Church. Yes it was a talk on the renewal of the mind. If you can’t renew your mind, then where do you expect transformation to begin? 

We are a product of our mind's thoughts. Like they say, you’re what you think. The thought about paradigm shift drew in me a deeper reflection about life. 

I have come to realise that a transformed mindset is a product of our persistent thoughts in a positive, focused and constant renewal of our mind and not wanting to have anything to do with negativity.           
John F. Pepple, you blessed my heart this morning with an insight into the gift of purpose. Indeed you are a blessing to your generation. Right on brother and continually rule your world.

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Sharing here at lovely messages are thought-provoking mind-renewal thoughts from a cerebral thought leader with a transformed mind. I have to go scoop enough from his Facebook timeline which is rich enough to transform your mindset. Serve here for you are quotes that would motivate you for a renewed mindset. But before we begin, This article from John F. Pepple is for the African Children celebrating Happy Children's Day.     


Happy Children's Day (Nigeria)

What was your childhood dream and where are you now? To some adults today, that is one of the questions we would like to dodge because it knocks us out, it makes us reminisce on dreams that never came true, opportunities we never gave maximum utility, plans we never executed and the responsibilities we never embraced. Nothing can be so energy-sapping than the thoughts of unfulfilled dreams. One of the lessons everyone will come to learn is that a trick in time is to enjoy all the merriment a day brings but forget all the responsibilities that also come with it. There can only be four responses to the question above:

[1]. I’m living my childhood dream.

[2]. I’m on the journey to my dream.

[3]. It never mattered to me again so I found something else.

[4]. Regrets.

Inherent in every child is the ability to dream and explore the mind to see what path inclines to his passion. He is uncertain but will continue to dream. He is inquisitive; his ability to question even questions reveals this. Sadly, the African Child is not allowed to explore this deposit of treasures. He is rather trained to be quiet, to look away when he’s been talked to, I mean looking at your elders in the eyes is outright confrontation. This consistent set of behaviours by the adults of his life dampens his mind, kills his curiosity; replaces his mind with a calm and quiet approach to situations of life rather than persuasive optimism and inquisitiveness. Sadly, in an attempt to train our children to be respectful as it were, we exchange a very vital component of the mind (open-mindedness) and replace it with foreign and superimpose tragedy (fear). The argument is, for there to be a balanced child there must be a balanced adult in his life. Every negative attribute a child will ever exhibit was learnt by the adults of his life.

The end to the vicious flow of ill-mannered and unfit humans in society begins when we as adults are able to take a second look at ourselves and understand that in everything we are doing a child is watching. For there to be a futuristic child there must be adults in his future already supplying him with the nutrients he needs for optimal growth. If you are living your dream today it is because someone was there for you directly or indirectly to nurture you or you probably drew inspiration from someone. The child will always look up to someone. The condition of the adults from which a child models his character is even more important than the discipline we try to instil in the child. When consistent admonition meets consistent exemplary behaviors the child is definitely going to align correctly. To build a better future for Africa is the collective responsibility of every adult of today to train a child with the good standard and morals that he or she holds dear.

A better adult raises a better child; a better child is a better future for Africa.

And now, still in his collections of write-ups is this poem:

I write to you,
Poets and martyrs
Disciples and daughters
Elders and brothers
Christians and lovers
Pastors and teachers
Prophets and preachers
I write to you, leaders.
That you might gather the weapons from your armouries
Grab your pulpits and mics, stages and lights
Buildings and pews, your resources be used.
For the wife has been bruised, her body has been beaten and bludgeoned.
She’s cheated on the man she once pursued, for the
bride has now forgotten her husband.
I write to you, for you have been summoned.
That you might sacrifice your church services and your functions
Your evening worship and your luncheons.
Bring your members by the dozen, no matter your shortcomings or dysfunctions.
You have been summoned to bear this insistence,
that God wants to use every part of your existence.
And none of you are any different. If your church is slowing or resurgent, 
older but an infant, you are part of the resistance.
To stand your ground against the armies of apathy rising against us.
I write to you, for I see Christians, but I don’t see Christ.
I see people living but not surrendering lives.
I see large buildings that cannot see strife.
I see free salvation that is way underpriced.
I see a body called to poverty by wealth be enticed.
And I know you see it, too.
Our alliance has been spliced, unsatisfied with the riches 
of the world when God’s kingdom should have sufficed.
I write to you who are soon-to-be revolutionaries to encourage 
you in the cause you will soon be influencing.
I write to you to tell you that you have all that you need.
And that’s not another book, conference, facility, or degree.
it’s not a bigger budget, membership, network or building.
For Christ conquered death with only a tree.
And if you have more than that, how much more will he want to see?
For you see, you have all that you need
For you have breath, feet, blood, tears, pulse, hands, eyes, and ears.
You have brothers and sisters, resources and givers,
a world full of sin and a God that is bigger.
You have all that you need, and you will need all that you have.
For the life influenced by Christ cannot be given in halves.
It will not spare a drop, it will not scare or stop.
But will sell all it’s got for that treasure in the empty lot.
You need all you have for you know the cost.
It may cause you to toss away your money, house, car, and clothes.
The cause may cost you to lose all of those.
But what if it cost your reputation, position, your job and ambitions
Your identity, decisions, respect, your best intentions?
You will need all you have for you have all that you
need and all you have is all He needs for all you need is all He has.
With great urgency, I write this muse, for the one
thing we do not have is an excuse.
We have a mighty God who became poor and
bruised. What we do not have is an excuse.
We have the Holy Spirit inhabited for God’s own use.
What we do not have is an excuse.
We have a sure resurrection, the power of death
diffused. What we do not have is an excuse.
We have the Words of Life, the greatest of news.
What we do not have is an excuse.
That is why I write to you this insisting issuance that
you might lead with great prudence to a world full of
darkness may we be a holy nuisance
As we lead the cause of Christ through the power of His influence.

Again, these words would motivate you beyond your imagination. Motivate and support Your Partner Quotes


The narration below is a grief discussion between Betty, a primary school teacher, with one of her students named Nikita in Cambodia.

BETTY: Hello Nikita, you are not as lively as you used to be, is anything the matter?

NIKITA: Yes ma'am, I am actually very sad.

BETTY: Why are you sad?

NIKITA: I am sad because I have to stop coming to school next week and I might never see any of my friends, teachers, or family members again. And I really would love to further my education.

BETTY: Why do you want to stop school and be taken away from your friends and family?

NIKITA (Sobbing heavily). It is not my intention, but I don’t have a choice about it. My father owes someone some money and he has not been able to pay. He said the only option he has is to sell me out so he can pay up his debts. Sadly I hear that most of the young girls sold out are forced into prostitution. I just can't imagine the possible nightmare that awaits me after I am sold. This narration depicts exactly what it is to be living. A time shall surely come when everyone will be separated from their loved ones, family and even their familiar environment to a land far beyond.  From the story above Nikita was able to foresee her pending sorrows, torture, humiliation, pains and nightmares after her separation. The same applies to you and me, and after the separation, we are left with only two choices PAIN or JOY. You must know the only way to Have Joy after the separation is through JESUS. The word of God says He is the way, way to God... He is not a way but THE WAY... He is all and all.

Take this to heart, let he that thinks that He stands to take heed lest he falls and let him that has Fallen stand up for Salvation is available.

And this one is interesting to read.


So last night I decided to check what has been happening in town. I have been offline for a while. The good thing about our generation is that you don’t need to be present to witness all the presents Jumoke received on her birthday, right? I was lying on my bed, sliding through my timeline aimlessly in search of a captivating story. There it was, Uncle Benjamin has bought his dream house in Banana Island, Lagos. A deserving success was for him, I thought through, as I used the tiny space between his feed and the next to analyze how hardworking he has been all these years. I quickly dropped a like and a congratulatory comment for him as the next feed on my timeline was already asking for my attention. I didn’t really like this one because I was in search of positive vibes only. What pierced my eyes was the no-joy caption that reads “MEN WILL SHAME YOU”. Our popular IG slay queen, has just bagged another legendary heartbreak for the third time this year, and now ‘a babe and more’ was on a no-nonsense mission to educate her fellow gender on the need to not depend on the other gender for anything. According to her, members of the other gender are scum. I took a little more time to read through the salvage comments, it was full of funny replies sha…, but above all I just wish things turn out well for her.

The next story was not like the previous one, at least not all men are scum from Aunty Nnenne’s perspective. It was her bridal shower! She was looking so astonishing her skin like milk was finely tuned by the creativity of her photographer. She took out four lines to appreciate Homi’s Concept, her makeup plug for making her look that beautiful. The remaining endless lines were something that will make you scream out loud, “GOD WHEN’’ I quickly remembered she is a communicator when she relinquished her communication skill in outlining step by step how the love episode started between her and her ‘ride-or-die’. She ended her long speech by reassuring her LOML that forever is the deal. Moving on to the next was some cute pics from my homeboy Newton. His beautiful pictures have earned 200 likes and 78 comments in just 30 minutes. Everybody likes Newton, his height stands him out like Mount Everest, and his mysterious sense of humour will always make you want to hear him speak. I cannot but tell you that he dresses to kill, haters will hate but he is not moved. His last slide reveals this quality pair of shoes he newly purchased from SLEEK-FEET the baddest plug in town.

I wanted to stop at that point when I quickly peeped what was next, there was no way I could have missed that story from the funniest man alive, Aproko the comedian. He was complaining bitterly to his audience about his last church and how the pastor treated him. He said, his former pastor told him anytime they are taking the holy communion he should stand outside, when he tried to find out why his pastor will want to ‘deprive him of chopping Christ’ the pastor said he doesn’t like the way he is chewing the bread that he is not eating the bread with remorse, that it is like he is happy that Jesus died, that the only way he will allow him is if he will agree to do take away! I laughed hard just like you are doing now. I read a little more about his success story and it was so interesting and was quite relatable. Meanwhile, my little nephew was still awake, when I stretched to see what he was doing, I found out he was doing some research and completing his registration. I just wanted to be sure he wasn’t doing anything relating to further maths! I didn’t want anybody to spoil my fun. My little nephew I set to change the world by becoming a UN ambassador at the forthcoming coming TAFMUN Conference. So I decided to sleep at about 12 am. My mind was not cooperating with my closed eyes. I quickly inform myself that today will be quite stressful because I have two big dreams to write about. The sleep wasn’t coming, so I decided to follow my thought trends because I knew something was coming up. I realized that my head was replaying all the stories I have just fed on a moment ago. At that point, I needed to invest some level of consciousness in what I was thinking.

You know social media is a powerful tool for connection. Aside from that, it is a hub where people assemble their good stories and the unguarded mind can begin to cultivate jealousy and envy. People question their lives by seeing the good things happening in the life of others. On many occasions, the stories that parade on our timeline are nothing but what I tag “make-believes” a deliberate attempt to feel among. There is always more to what meets the eye. Reminding myself of this reality provides tranquillity for my wandering mind. As a rule and a deliberate commitment to my peace and sanity, I have written these words in the tablets of my heart “as a human it is my destiny and choice to grow and to expand my boundaries, to see the value and become one, to find a space for myself under the sun, that the beautiful things of life are for me and I will get it at the right time with my hand and brain under God”.

Make this vow to yourself… “that your heart will not become a breeding place for jealousy, envy, and wickedness. That the successes of others are theirs and yours is coming, that until it is your turn you will keep clapping for others while putting in the needed effort and momentum to activate your potential”.

If you enjoyed this article please share! Happy Weekend!

Best Positive Thoughts about Life and Quotes on Mindset Transformation

Here are the best positive thoughts on life and quotes about a transformed mind. These messages are powerful mindset quotes, quotes about changing your mindset, mindset and attitude quotes and mindset quotes for success, positive mindset quotes and change your words, change your mindset quotes.

[1]. Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of your comfort zone.

[2]. One of your greatest gratitude this year should go to those who by their treason and bad deeds made you stronger and made you fall back to yourself. Without these types of behaviour human beings stagnate in comfort and affluence and lose the capacity for great thoughts and feelings, they become cynical and subside into barbarism.

[3]. Press on. Move on. Push on. Whatever happens live!

[4]. Remember circumstances are always partially represented, there is always more beyond what your mind can photograph. Your life is not totally chaotic as it seems, things will turn out just fine, I promise, give it God not time.

[5]. Sincerity is a very crucial idea in self-finding. But sincerity alone is limiting, sincerely you want to run, therefore sincerity will bring you to the starting line, but sincerity alone cannot keep you in the race; if all you have in life is sincerity as good as it is, you may end up frustrated because some people are sincerely poor, sincerely raped, sincerely in debt, sincerely addicted to a substance, sincerely in business, sincerely in school, sincerely in jail sincerely in the penitentiary. With sincerity, determination should be an ally, determination will keep you going when the only thing to do is stop the race!

[6]. As the day advances, you need to know that reality is always partially represented; it's either exaggerated or underrepresented. There is so much more to your circumstances, you are stronger than you think.

[7]. Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.

[8]. Be careful with your choices. I have just discovered that the new evil is good. All that's good is not God. But all that's God is good. So there is nothing wrong if you refuse to acknowledge that there's only one God, but your choice is definitely faulty and can lead to a dead end. Choose well!

[9]. Violence never brings permanent peace; it solves no social problems: It merely creates new and more complicated ones. Violence is impractical because it is a spiral spring ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it aims at humiliating the opponent rather than seeking his understanding: It seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It keeps society small, it keeps society weak, it defeats all of us; it destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself; it creates bitterness and pain in the survivors and brutality and cruelty in the destroyer. We can do better as peaceful people. Might not be better now but tomorrow holds brighter colours. Let's say yes to peace. One people... one Nigeria.

[10]. The word of God is not meant to lie in the pages of your Bible or on your gadgets but they are to resurrect in you as you die to them daily. The infallible word of God is mightier than you can ever imagine as it can give you hope in your hopelessness.

[11]. Jesus alone can be our good shepherd. To David, He was the perfect Shepherd, He made him lie down in green pastures leading him beside still waters. He restored his soul leading him on the path of righteousness. He saw him through the valley of the shadow of death offering him protection and comfort. To me, He has been my sustainer and my friend. The great Shepherd can do even more for you as you connect with Him.

[12]. True friends do not hinder your relationship with God, rather they enhance and encourage it. If you have one that does, please use the delete button because they are cancers!

[13]. When you pray, have an open mind, God's answer might be the direct opposite of what you wanted. How you will accept this development is a question of faith.

[14]. Freedom is a state of mind; it is a concept reflecting an alienable human right to realize one's human will. Outside of freedom, a person cannot realize the wealth of his inner world and his capabilities. Freedom begins exactly where a person can deliberately restrict himself. In all, self-restriction is the highest form of freedom.

[15]. Don't ever refuse to acknowledge the love of your dear parents because they can't afford you all they should, find peace and love in the littles, they could. While you work to surpass their efforts.

[16]. In my culture death is not the cessation of life, it is a life without God. Studying such a life, no matter how seemingly busy and valuable it is, is home to emptiness and nothingness! Without God, we are like toddlers searching for their mother in a busy market. What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and damage his soul? Find God, find essence!

[17]. The weakest and cheapest thing I have seen in the people of the 21st  century (women and men alike)  is using their bodies as a tool for attention! It is the lowest and weakest form of strategy, it is nothing more than the product of poor self-concept and faulty self-esteem embraced by assertive ignorance... though endorsed by society but a stain to morality and conscience. You're more than what you look like on the outside. The real things we should see are inside of you craving for attention (but caged in purposelessness) though not tangible but their effects can still hypnotize the next man! It's a principle that content will always be preferred anytime to the fabric or container. Find meaning in your authentic self!

[18]. Let me tell you an unusual truth about men and the sons of men. It is this: What each of us calls our 'necessary expenses' will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest to the contrary. All men are burdened with more desires than they can gratify.

[19]. Stop praying for a good man every time; I can't be everywhere all at once!

[20]. When you're in the wrong lane of life, speed becomes a great disadvantage. Keep moving. Keep working. Keep right. Stay right.


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Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!: Awesome 20 Positive Thoughts about Life and Quotes on Mindset Transformation
Awesome 20 Positive Thoughts about Life and Quotes on Mindset Transformation
Here are the best positive thoughts about life and quotes on mindset transformation and attitude which are change your words, change your mindset.
Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!
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